Tuesday, July 2, 2024

23/24 epic league - Blood Angles vs Minervan Tank Legions

So it's time for round 4. Since we realized that we have distributed the matches wrong and it won't be possible to do two more even rounds we decided to run the last six matches in one round. First out is the top dog Codex Astartes versus the bottom slogger the Minervan Tank Legions. Will the Tank Legions finally be able to scope up a victory or will it just be a walk in the park for the Space marines. 

+++ Codex Astartes TP2018          2000p +++

Tactical Detachment 1                             325
6xTactical, 3xRhino, Chaplain                                        

Tactical Detachment 2                             350
6xTactical, 3xRhino, Hunter                                          

Devastator Detachment                            250
4xDevastator, 2xRhino                                         

Scout Detachment                                 150
4xScout, 2xRhino                                         

Bike Detachment                                  200

Land Speeder Detachment                          200
5xLand Speeder                                  

Predator Detachment                              250
4xPredator Annihilator                          

Whirlwind Detachment                             275

++ Minervan Tank Legion 1995p ++

Small Tank Company                               340
6xLeman Russ Conqueror                          
Armoured Regiment Commissar                     

Small Tank Company                               425
5xLeman Russ                                    
Armoured Regiment Commissar                     
Leman Russ Executioner                          
Salamander Command Vehicle                      

Small Tank Company                               330
5xLeman Russ Exterminator                       
Armoured Regiment Commissar                     
Leman Russ Thunderer                            

Small Tank Company                               400
5xLeman Russ Demolisher                         
Armoured Regiment Commissar                     
Leman Russ Executioner                          

Salamander Scout Platoon                         100
3xSalamander Scout                              

Thunderbolt Squadron                             150
2xThunderbolt Fighter-Bomber                    

Marauder Squadron                                250
2xMarauder Bomber         

The Space Marines choose to set up with the city going as an axis from their side to the Minervans giving them a path with cover. They put their blitz objective behind the park. Rest close to the marine side knowing that the Minervan had not much to garrison. The Minervans choose to put their objectives on the left flank where most of the open ground was to be found.

Minerva set up with a strong left and the Exterminators on the right to fight for the objective in the dunes. The Space marines went with a more balanced setup with most anti armor on their right to counter the expected Minervan advance.

+++ TURN 1 +++


The Space Marines win the initiative but let the Minervan start moving.

They start with an airstrike by the Marauders against the second tactical detachment. The marine hunter miss and two units of marines and a rhino is destroyed in the explosions.

The first tactical detachment doubles and take position in the ruins on their left. Nothin available to shoot at but a nice position to control the dunes. 

The Minervans continue to send in the aircrafts against the second detachment but one Thunderbolts spiral to the ground hit by the hunters rocket and the remining one fail to do any damage. 

The Marine bikes march forward full speed and hide behind the ruins in the center.

The Minervan Salamanders sustain fire at the scouts hiding in the nearby ruin but to no result.

The battered second detachment fail to activate and decide to regroup.

On the Minervan side the tanks finally start to rumble forward. The Exterminator company advance forward and fire at first detachment. They are lucky an even if most shots fall short they manage to destroy two Rhinos and a unit of marines.

To protect the flank the Landspeeders zoom forward through the dust and rubbles from the Minervan attack and fire back on the Exterminators but only one of the meltas manage to hit and it fail to penetrate the tanks' reinforced armor.

Knowing how dangerous the fragile Landspeeders nevertheless can be against tanks the Demolisher Company doubles to that flank and attack them. Even thou several close shots the nimble speeders show to be a hard target to lock on and no damage done.

Lacking soft targets to fire on the scouts remain in overwatch.

On the Minervan left flank the fast Conquers advance forward and get into range of the bikes that has to zig-zag between falling shells succeeding to take no damage.

The Devastators double and takes position on the bridge on the marine right. They have no target now but will be able to fire at any that tries to take the objectives on the grounds below them.

The Russ Company having long range battle cannons sustain fire at the devastators and the bridge prove to not be a adequate protection killing two units. 

The Whirlwinds sustain fire at the Salamanders destroying one of them and breaking the unit.

The Predators doble forward hiding behind the central ruins thereby also have no targets to fire at.

End: All Marine units rallies. The Salamander scouts and the Exterminators however fails on the Minervan side.

+++ Turn 2 +++

The Space Marines wins the initiative and let the Landspeeders skimmer over the Exterminators firing as the pass by to then hide behind some dunes destroying one tank in the process.

The Minervans continue their airstrikes. This time against the Predators and Bikes hiding in the center. The Marauders destroy two bikes and blow up a Predator while successfully dodging the Hunters missiles.

The battered Predators advance and fire at the Exterminators but the tanks thick armor prove to be to hard for the lasercannons.

The Space Marines, however, decide to retain the initiative and let the first detachment advance into range of the Exterminators. They also fail do do any damage but the sheer amount of incoming fire break the Exterminator company and they retreat.

In the center the Conquers double to get within range of the Predators fending of some small arms overwatch fire from the scouts. They manage to destroy one Predator breaking the unit.

On their overlook position on the bridge the Devastators take the opportunity to fire at the Conquers below but did not manage to hit any of the tanks.

The lone surviving Thunderbolt manage to get into the air and attack the Landspeeders out of range of the Hunter but do not manage to damage them.

The Whirlwinds let loose of their rockets at the Conquer company. One tank is hit by a rocket but take no serous damage.

The Russ Company advance toward the Minervan right flank and try to dislodge the Landspeeders. However they do not manage to get a clean shot on the nimble crafts.

The regrouped second company double forward, full speed, to the center and fire at the Conquers. They fail to do any damage but get within fire support position and control of an objective.

In a third attempt to deal with the Landspeeders the Demolisher company advance and also fire at them and their short range high explosive shells show to be to hard to dodge and three crafts crash to the ground riddled with shrapnel.

In the center the beaten Bike company decide to do a Hail Mary and Engage the Conquers. The thickly armored tanks are hard to carve up with chainsaws but still one is destroyed at the loss of one unit of bikes. Another two tanks are destroyed by the support fire from the second company.
However in the end the tanks numbers and the courage of their commissar weight over and the Bikes loose a close combat and retreats. But the tanks are also so battered that the unit break and retreat back to the Minervan lines.

End: The Salamander and the Exterminators Rallies for the Minervan on the Space Marine side does all units rally except the battered bikes.

+++ TURN 3 +++

The Space Marines wins the initiative again but let the Minervan start, trying to drain their activations.

The Minervans does a classic and calls in the Marauders that once again manage to avoid the Hunter but they are probably a bit stressed since all bombs miss the second detachment. 

The first detachment sustain fire at the nearby Demolisher company but even thou several shell hits they are all saved by the thick tank armor.

The Russ Company advance and fire at the second detachment that protect an objective and destroy one Rhino and the ineffective Hunter.

The decimated Landspeeders advance and fire at the Demolisher Company but fail to hit.

The Exterminators take a gamble and double into the ruins and loose two tanks to the rubbles almost breaking them. The lone operating tank fire at the second detachment manage to kill three units of marines and a Rhino. Breaking them.

The scouts move out of their cover and double to the other ruin taking control of the marine center objective. Throwing some more fire at the battered Conquer Company breaking them.

The Thunderbolt makes a ground attack against second detachment in a small hope to destroy them but only manage to destroy one unit.

The Predators march across the field taking position on the bridge and protect the rightmost objective.

The Demolisher company advance to take control of the Minervan rightmost objective. They fire at the first company but fail to do any damage.

As a response the Whirlewinds fire their rockets at the Demolishers but at no avail.

The Salamanders double forward to contest the central objective and manage to destroy the second detachment to the last man earning the Minervans a victory condition.

Just to seconds later getting hit by rockets from the Devastators on the bridge just to break and retreat away from the objective.

END Space Marines 2 (DFT & TSNP) Minervans 1 (BTS)

Not quite a walk in the park but still a rather definitive victory for the Space Marines bringing them up to the top of the table and Minervans still in the bottom. As so many times before it is mainly the lack of activations in the last round that prevent the Minervans to defend themself and protect the objectives.

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