Saturday, August 24, 2024

3/24 epic league - Minervan Tank Legions vs Aurora Chapter

 Time for the final match for the Minervans. This time they will face the dreaded Aurora Chapter. Will it be another, and final loss for the tank legion?

++ Minervan Tank Legion 1995p ++

Small Tank Company                               340
6xLeman Russ Conqueror                          
Armoured Regiment Commissar                     

Small Tank Company                               425
5xLeman Russ                                    
Armoured Regiment Commissar                     
Leman Russ Executioner                          
Salamander Command Vehicle                      

Small Tank Company                               330
5xLeman Russ Exterminator                       
Armoured Regiment Commissar                     
Leman Russ Thunderer                            

Small Tank Company                               400
5xLeman Russ Demolisher                         
Armoured Regiment Commissar                     
Leman Russ Executioner                          

Salamander Scout Platoon                         100
3xSalamander Scout                              

Thunderbolt Squadron                             150
2xThunderbolt Fighter-Bomber                    

Marauder Squadron                                250
2xMarauder Bomber         

++ Aurora chapter (Scions of Iron) 2000p  ++

Heavy Tactical III & IV squads                         325
4xTactical, 2xLand Raider        

Heavy Tactical V& VI squads                        325
4xTactical, 2xLand Raider                                          

Landing Craft                                    350                                  

Terminator                                       475
4xTerminator, 2xLand Raider Crusader                          

Whirlwind                                        275

Thunder CAS                                      250
Thunderhawk Close Air Support           

Aurora got to choose edge and selected one with relative little cover, instead giving more cover to the Minervans, since they expect to fight mostly on the Minervan side anyway. 

They set up the blitz in the center while the Minervans went with the far right corner. Auroa center their objectives around the Minervan blitz while the Minervans choose to put theirs on the opposite flank in the open. To counter the air assault the Minervans also put their most expensive unit, the Leman Russes, in the opposite corner of the blitz. Supported by the demolishers to give good fire fight and leaving the blitz totally unguarded. The Aurora put as usually only the Whirlwinds and the V & VI squad on the ground hiding behind the little cover there is.

+++ TURN 1 +++

Aurora wins the initiative. The CAS ground assault the Leman Russ Company and destroy the command vehicle and one of the russes. Then then retain and let the Landing Craft, a bit unexpected, Assaults the demolishers counting more or less out the Leman Russes. But the marines have problem penetrate the thick armor of the Demolishers and only one is destroyed at the loss of one units of tactical marines and a Land Raider destroyed by support fire. A bad rolling the the resolution however end up in the demise of the demolishers. 

On the opposite side of the battlefield the Thunderbolts ground attack the Whirlwinds, destroying one and cripple them.

The V & VI squad double and hide in the central ruins.

The Minervans continue to hammer the Whirlwinds with bombs from above this time with the Marauders. Destroys another artillery piece and breaking them.

This leave the Arura without any more activations. The Exterminators advance and fire at III & IV squad killing two units of marines and break them too.

The Conquerors advance and fire at the Landraiders of  the central V & VI squad but the hits are saved.

The scouts are forced to hold and also fire at the V & VI squad but miss with all shots.

On the right flank does the battered Leman Russ company marshal and moves forward.

END: CAS and the Landing Craft get 1 BM each for exiting on the wrong edge. Otherwise was there a lot of 1:s rolled ending up in that both the Whirlwinds and the III & IV squad remained broken. 

+++ TURN 2 +++

Aurora wins the initiative and let the Terminators advance and fire at the damage Leman Russ company. Several shot hits but they are all saved.

They gamble a bit and retain to continue to attack the Russ Company with the CAS but still all hits are saved and the Russ remain unbroken.

The Leman Russ company tries to retaliate but are after all somewhat shaken and is forced to hold and fire at the terminators. The Terminators are just as though as the tanks and save all hits.

The V & VI squad sustain fire at the Conqueror company. Three shots hit, all saved. Start to see a pattern. 

The Exterminator company marsh up the right flank of the tank legion closing in on the the objectives.

The Landing Craft lands in the middle of the Terminators and fire at the Leman Russ company doing no damage.

The Conqueror sustain fire at the V & VI squads. They hit with four shots but they are all saved.

The scouts also sustain fire at the V & VI squads but at least manage to not hit, so no saves was needed.

The Thunderbolt makes a massive ground attack against the III & IV squads and kill one units of tactical marines resulting in that the squad is no more.

The Marauders doesn't want to be worse and let the bombs fly at the V & VI squads manage to finally do some damage blowing up a Land Raider.

END: The Landing Craft exit with the Terminators but on wrong edge gaining one BM. The same for the CAS. The V & VI squads rallies but the Whirlwinds fails. The Conqueror company succeed to rally but the Leman Russ company fails.

+++ TURN 3 +++

Aurora, as expected, win the initiative again. The CAS hover over to the Leman Russ Company and do some target practice with their lasercannons. Destroying one and finally break them.

The Minervans try to respond but the Marauders are forced to stand down.

The Landing Craft loaded with Terminators does an air assault against the Exterminators. All tanks are blown up by the Terminators powerfists but to a high cost. Three units of Terminators are lost. One of the Leman Russes close by are routed from the battle by the carnage.  

The Thunderbolts are in better shape than the Marauders targeting the V & VI squad. Killing two units of marines with their strafe, almost breaking the formation. 

The command chain is in complete disarray at the Aurora chapter with the V & VI squad trying to contact the command. Failing and instead break and retreat.

This means that the Minervans has a free field for the remaining units.

The Scouts double and take control of the Minervan blitz and one more objective.

The Conqueror advance and take control of the last obj on the Minervan side and fire at the V & VI squad but do no damage.

END: Minervans 2 (DTF & TSNP) Aurora 0

A very odd game with few models on both sides and as a consequence relative few shots and alot of saved hits. The demise of the Aurora chapter was the early break of a few units that they where unable to rally leaving them with a severe activation disadvantage giving the Minervans the first victory in the league. Not that it helps them they are still at last place but at least they can leave with their heads borne high. 

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