Sunday, May 12, 2024

23/24 epic league - Aurora Chapter vs Bad Moons

 Another match for the so far undefeated Aurora chapter. This time against the Bad Moons. The Aurora chapter has been able to crush every foe so far with their impressive first strike. Would the Bad Moons be the exception with their durable  Big Warband and fairly good air coverage?

+++ Aurora chapter (Scions of Iron) 2000p  +++

Heavy Tactical III & IV squads                         325
4xTactical, 2xLand Raider        

Heavy Tactical V& VI squads                        325
4xTactical, 2xLand Raider                                          

Landing Craft                                    350                                  

Terminator                                       475
4xTerminator, 2xLand Raider Crusader                          

Whirlwind                                        275

Thunder CAS                                      250
Thunderhawk Close Air Support           

++ Ghazgkhull Thraka's Warhorde 1995p ++

Ork Warband                                      340
2xNobz, 6xBoyz, 2xGrotz, Battlefortress, Warlord, Skorcha                                         

Big Ork Warband                                  550
4xNobz, 12xBoyz, 4xGrotz, 8xBattlewagon                                   

Blitz Brigade                                    325
Flakwagon, 3xGunwagon, Gunfortress, Oddboy with Zap                                 

Big Blitz Brigade                                300
2xFlakwagon, 6xGunwagon, Oddboy with Zap                                 

Mekboy Stompamob                                 330
3xCrusha Stompa, 3xDreadnought                                   

Fighta Squadron                                  150
3xFighta- Bommer  

Aurora choose to set up on the edge with most cover and placed their objectives in the open. Orks also place their blitz objective in the open expecting an air assault. And the rest in fairly good cover on the Aurora side of the board.

Orks set up in the Stompas forward in the central ruins preferring the dangers of difficult terrain before Aurora laser cannons. The Big Warband (The BTS) was set up in the center with all Flakk guns protecting it. Also not to close to the blitz objective.

 Aurora set up their classic with the Whirlwinds guarding blitz and V & VI squad on the grund. While  III & IV squad and the Terminator is boarded on the Landing craft. 

+++ TURN 1 +++

Aurora win initiative.

The Aurora chapter let the CAS to a ground attack against the Small Warband with the Warlord, might been scared by the amount of fire a ground assault against the big would have taken. One unit of orks, one nob the Skorcha and a damage on the Battefortress.

The mandator retain and  air assault with the Landing Craft follows. All the orks including the mighty warlord lost to the small cost of one units of Terminators.

The Big blitz double on the spot and fire at the Terminators. The zapp gun manage to turn one unit to dust.

The V & VI squad double move forward to stay out of range of the Stompas but within range of objective. 

The ork Figtha-Bommas dare not getting close to all the anti air around the Aurora landing spot and instead let their rocket loose at the Whirlwinds. Destroying two of them.

The Whirlwinds close to breaking marshal.

Small blitz on the other flank doubles and manage to zap a marine in V squad.

The Stompa in the center sensing a foe goes wild and double. Trusting their walker ability and move from one ruin to another. Fire at V & VI squad. Not getting a single shot straight.

Big Warband consider a good offensive to be the best defensive and double up the middle of the board fire at V & VI squad. Killing two units of marines. Breaking them.

End: The landing craft and the CAS get one BM each for exiting on the wrong edge and another from coming under AA fire but no damage. All units rallies.

+++ TURN 2 +++

Orks win the initiative.

Big blitz sustain fire as if there was no tomorrow (something it very well could be for them). But even then cause no damage on the terminators.

Over their heads the CAS Thunderhawk swoops down from the skies with cannons blazing it takes some hits from the orks Flakk guns but the armor reflect it. Still only one gunwaggon destroyed.

The Big Warband in the center continue its Waaagh and double to the marine blitz destroying the Whirlwinds on the move.

On the formal ork side of the battlefield the Terminators sustain fire at the Big Blitz brigade. Destroying two gunwaggons and two flakkwaggons breaking them. Leaving no operational ork units on that side of the field.

The only ones left taking the fight to the formal landing party is the squadron on fighta bommas destroying one Land raider for the Terminators in a ground attack.

The decimated V & VI squad sustain fire at the nearby Big Warband. Hit one shot but do no damage.

Small Blitz decide to remove that annoyance and double, hiding beneath the bridge and fire at V & VI squad. Killing another units of marines and break them again.

On the formal ork side of the field the III & IV squad tries to retreat back to defend the marines side. They double to take control of one of the objectives  and fire at the Stompas, destroying one of them.

Stompas are forced to hold and fires back at III & IV squad. Destroying one Land Raider.

Landing Craft is forced to stand down due to to many small holes in the hull that needed to be patched before take off.

END: All air units got an extra BM due to exiting on wrong edge. The Big Warband and the Stompas rallies. All Aurora units rallies

+++ TURN 3 +++

Aurora wins the initiative and let the III & IV squads sustain fire at Stompas. But only one shot hit any targets and it is saved. 

Small blitz does almost an U-turn and double back to take Control of the  center objective just outside the ruins and fire at the III & IV squad. One marine is killed but luckily for the marines does the zap gun goes wide.

The Thunderhawk tries to dislodge the Stompas from the objective but the thick armor protects them.

The fighta-bommas are still reluctant to get close to the marine aircrafts and instead does a bombrun against the Terminators destroying one of them and breaking the formation.

The battered V & VI squad. Now just the Landraiders left. Doubles back into the center and fire at the Stompas. The lascannons shots bouncing of their armor.

The hard pressed Stompas fear a failed initiative and decided to double without moving and fire at III & IV squad. Needless to say, miss.

In a desperate move the Landing Craft lands close to the Aurora blitz to contest it. Fire at the Big Warband and destroys a battlewaggon and a unit of grots.

The orks goes into a frenzy and assault the Landing Craft. One ork is gunned down by the point defense bolters, but several breaches is smashed in the hull. It is enough to toss in some heavy explosives and the Landing Craft is out of operation. The orks control the blitz.

END: Aurora 0 - Orks 2 (Blitz & T&H)

The Aurora chapter is broken. The aggressive nature of the orks took them by surprise. Despite an successful initial assault they where left with no more target for their Terminators. Instead the orks overrun the weak rearguard of the Aurora and smashed themselves to a victory. For once also the Stompas came into use. Had they not stubbornly defended the center it would probably been much easier for the marines to follow the orks back to the lines. 

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